Commercial Equipment

Service Details

Sharpens blades; Inspects overall condition of the machine; Changes engine oil and filter; Replaces air filter, pre filter, fuel filter, and spark plugs; Drains and cleans fuel system; Inspects charging system and electrical components; Adjusts cables and controls; Adjusts engine rpms and idle speed; Tightens all loose bolts and hardware; Inspects belts for wear; Adjusts tire pressure; Adjusts hydro drive tracking and neutral position; Greases all fittings; Inspects deck spindle bearings, all idler pulleys, and gauge wheels; Levels deck; Scrapes under deck; Checks all operations; Cleans machine.

Zero Turn Rider $249.99 Plus Parts
Commercial Walk Behind Mower $199.99 Plus Parts
Dingo $349.99 Plus Parts

Pick Up and Delivery Service

We offer pick up & delivery services. When scheduling service, please inquire about charges for pick & delivery in your zip code.