Common Summer Weeds

Common Summer Weeds

Summer Weed Control With consistent rain and mild temperatures, spring typically permits easy lawn care. Weed control is pretty straight forward during this growing season. As temperatures soar, the weak points in your lawn emerge. Be on the lookout for warm season...
Mid-Season Checklist

Mid-Season Checklist

Prepare your lawnmower for summer heat It looks like the cool pleasant days of spring are behind us. As summer heat approaches, we recommend some midseason maintenance to relieve mower stress. When I checked my mower this weekend, the oil was low and black and the...

Tips for Mowing in High Temperatures

Mowing in Summer Heat The sun is shining. Temperatures are soaring. While we cool off around the pool, on the lake or with an icy beverage, our lawns are stressed. Protect your grass, plants and lawn care equipment with safe and smart operating practices. Make sure...
5 Steps Buying a New Mower

5 Steps Buying a New Mower

5 Steps to Finding the Perfect Walk Power Lawnmower When considering a new lawnmower, The Mower Shop tries to find the most suitable model for each homeowner’s needs. Lawns vary from manicured to weedy; smooth as a putting green to rough and bumpy. Likewise some...