Finding My Model Number
Finding parts and accessories for your lawn equipment begins with identifying your unique model. The Mower Shop search tool is optimized for outdoor power equipment models. Please refer to your specific brand to learn location and orientation of this model number.
Select from the following brands
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Briggs & Stratton
Briggs & Stratton model numbers are 10 characters (Example 101T02-0123-E1).
Briggs & Stratton engines are used on multiple applications. The model and serial number plates are located in different locations depending on the application. Refer to the detailed directions for the most popular applications.
Walk Power Mower
Briggs & Stratton model number, type and serial numbers are commonly stamped onto a metal plate on the front of the engine, stamped on sheet metal above the muffler or above the spark plug. These plates may be covered by debris or hidden under engine shroud covers. A flashlight should aid in finding the plate.
Search by model number and type when ordering parts for your engine.
Commercial Series and Vanguard Engines
Vanguard engines have a model number stamped into the valve cover. This plate may be covered by debris. A flashlight should air in finding the plate.
Search by model number and very type when ordering parts for your engine.
Most snowblower engines have a model number stamped into a metal shield, but the model may also be located on a label by the starter, on the valve cover or on the cylinder shield. These plates may be covered by debris or hidden under engine shroud covers. A flashlight should aid in finding the plate.
Search by model number and very type when ordering parts for your engine.
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Echo model numbers are displayed on the housing in the form of a decal (Example: PB255). The complete model number and the 12 character serial number are located near the engine block (Example: T12345678901). The serial number aides in finding specific parts and accessories.
Echo model and serial number decals are located in different locations depending on the application. Refer to the detailed directions for the most popular applications.
String Trimmers
The model and serial number is typically located between the air filter case and fuel tank. Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your trimmer.
Handheld Blower
The model and serial number is usually located on the front of the housing on a black or silver decal. Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your blower.

Backpack Blower
The model and serial is harder to locate on backpack blowers. Some models feature a decal between the air filter case and fuel tank. Other models have a decal located under the frame on the engine case. Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your blower.
Model and serial number plates are located on black or silver decals on the front of the frame. Some top saws feature a decal on the top of the housing. Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your saw.
Honda Power Equipment
Walk Power Mower
Honda HRR and HRX model and serial numbers are printed on black and silver labels. This label is located on top of the cutting deck at the left rear corner. Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
Honda generator model numbers are featured clearly on decals on the frame panels. Complete model and serial numbers are located on white decals. This decal is located on the frame. Search by model number and verify serial numbers when ordering parts and accessories for your generator.
Water Pumps
Honda water pump model numbers are featured clearly on decals on the frame panels. Complete model and serial numbers are located on white decals. This decal is located on the frame. Search by model number and verify serial numbers when ordering parts and accessories for your pump.
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Hustler Turf Equipment
Hustler Turf Equipment models are 6 digits (Example 931899). The model numbers are easily located on the left side of the frame. All models are clearly marked on a silvery white label under the left control arm or the left side of frame.
Raptor and Raptor SD Zero Turn Riding Mowers
Hustler model number and serial number decal is located on the left side of the frame.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
Super Z and X-One Commerical Zero Turn Riding Mowers
Hustler model decal is located on the frame under the left control arm. Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
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Kawasaki Engines
Kawasaki engines feature a 6 character model number (Example: FR691V). This model is often featured on the fan housing. There is an additional 4 character code for specific parts (Example: FR691V-BS19). This model and code can be found on a silver decal on the engine block.
FR Series
FR Series engines are featured on residential and light commercial equipment. The model and code are located above the cylinder on the housing cover. Search the complete model number to find parts for your engine.
FS Series
FS Series engines are featured on commerical walk behinds. The model and code are usually located near the fan housing. Search the complete model number to find parts for your engine.
FX Series
FX Series engines are featured on commercial zero turn riding mowers. The model and code decal are sometimes concealed behind the mower frame or exhaust. Search the comple model number to find parts for your engine.
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Kohler Engines
Kohler engines feature a 5 character model number (Example: KT730). There is an additional 4 digit code for specific parts (Example: KT730-3065. This model and code can be found on a silver decal on the engine block. Kohler engines are used on multiple applications. Refer to your application to see a complete description.
Residential Series Engines (KT, SV) Series on Riding Mowers
Kohler residential engines are used on many brands of riding mowers including zero turn riding mowers and tractors. Both the KT and earlier engine series feature a white decal on the engine shroud. Search the complete 5 character model number and 4 digit spec number to find parts for your engine.
Commercial Series Engines (CH, CS, ECV) Series on Riding Mowers
Kohler commerical engines feature a white decal on the engine shroud. Because these engines are featured on many brands of mowers, the decal may be concealed behind battery cases, frames or exhaust. Search the complete 5 character model number and 4 digit spec number to find parts for your engine.
Kohler Engine on Walk Power Mowers
Kohler model and serial numbers are typically printed on a decal on the back of the engine. Search the complete 5 character model number and 4 digit spec number to find parts for your engine.
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Spartan Mowers
Spartan models are clearly marked on a silver label. This label is located on the frame under the operator seat. Move the operator seat into the service position and locate the label on the frame. Search the complete model number to find parts and accessories for your model.
Recycler / Super Recycler Walk Power Mower
Toro Recycler and Super Recycler model and serial numbers are printed onto a small white label. This label is located on the rear left corner of the cutting deck. This label may be on top of the deck, next to the left rear wheel or on most Recycler mowers the label is behind the plastic door that hinges to the grass bag.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
TimeCutter Zero Turn Riding Mower
Toro TimeCutter model and serial numbers are printed onto a small white label. This label is located on the frame under the seat. Move the seat forward and locate the label on the left side of the frame in front of the battery.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
TimeMaster 30″ Walk Power Mower
Toro TimeMaster model and serial numbers are printed onto a small white label. This label on the TimeMaster is located on the frame above the left rear wheel.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
Titan Zero Turn Rider
Toro Titan model and serial numbers are stamped into a black sheet metal plate. This plate is located on the front of the operator platform.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
ZMaster Zero Turn Rider
Toro Z Master model and serial numbers are stamped into a black or silver metal sheet plate. This plate is located on the frame either in front or under the left from steering control arm.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
GrandStand Commercial Mower
Toro GrandStand model and serial numbers are stamped into a black or silver metal sheet plate. This plate is currently located behnd the left steering control and has also appeared on the lower frame.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
Mid Size Commerical Walk Behind
Toro Commercial Walk Behind model and serial numbers are stamped into a silver metal sheet plate. This plate is located on the frame near the engine.
Search by model number and verify serial number when ordering parts and accessories for your mower.
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Other Brands
Most walk power mower and snowblower manufacturers place a decal on the rear frame. Riding products often feature a decal under the seat. The Mower Shop does not offer a complete inventory for the brands we do not sell, but search by model number to find matches.
MTD, Craftsman, Cub Cadet, John Deere, Scag, Snapper, Troybilt, Yardman, Yard Machine models may not encompass engine parts. When searching for engine parts you will need to locate the model number of your Briggs & Stratton, Honda, Kawasaki, or Kohler engine.
Craftsman (AYP)

Troybilt (MTD)
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